10 Easy Self-care Tips

Practice self-care while in quarantine

According to thetempest.co, watching Netflix for long periods of time can act as a stress-reliever and induce feelings of positivity.

Karsten Farris

According to thetempest.co, watching Netflix for long periods of time can act as a stress-reliever and induce feelings of positivity.

Quarantine Self-care Tips:

1. Create a routine
With more flexibility in our schedules, it can be easy for us to fall into mindless activities, like scrolling through social media and lose track of time. Creating a daily routine can help bring more structure into your schedule and keep you motivated. Try making a list of your plans for the day right when you wake up— how will you use your breaks during school, your lunch period, and the rest of your day when classes are over?

2. Hydrate
Staying hydrated is crucial to bringing your best self to your schoolwork and feeling energized. I’ve found myself forgetting to drink water as I don’t have natural breaks in my day or activities where I would normally remind myself to hydrate. To solve this, I recommend filling up a large water bottle before classes start in the morning and setting benchmarks throughout the day.

3. Have a good breakfast
While it can be tempting to wake up five minutes before your classes start and fuel up later, getting up just a little earlier and taking the time to eat a good breakfast can help boost your energy and adhere you to a structured routine.

4. Get moving
Taking the time to exercise either at home or outside will energize you and reward your body. Though exercising is usually portrayed as caring for your body only, it is also necessary for caring for your mind and soul as it releases positive hormones.

5. Stretch out
Sitting for long periods of time puts a lot of stress on your hip flexors, back, neck, and more. Though you may not be doing as much physical activity as you normally would, stretching is really important to loosen up these muscles and prevent pain.

6. Take a screen-free break
As most of your normal activities have shifted to an online format, it’s only natural for your daily screen usage to spike. Try taking a break from screen time by stepping away to read a book, bake or cook something, or just lie down and listen to some music. Headaches and eye strain can often result from too much screen time, so try to balance this out by taking breaks as much as possible.

7. Stand up
Keep your body healthy and energized by standing up every once in a while throughout your school day. 15 minute breaks in between classes are a great time to take 10 seconds to stand up and stretch out before returning to your work.

8. Make a list of what you’re grateful for
During this difficult time, it’s easy to focus on problems that you can’t control and lose track of all that you have to be grateful for. Taking the time to list off these blessings will boost your mood and help you put things into perspective.

9. FaceTime a friend
Being separated from friends who you normally see at school every day can be challenging, especially if you’re an extrovert. Keeping in touch with your friends over FaceTime is a great way to stay connected.

10. Let your mind rest
Take the time to give your mind a worry-free break by watching Netflix, painting, or drawing.