The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

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October 9, 2023

The front page of “The Blake Torch” issue published in 1970 includes descriptions of the “Glee Club” and its Music-Art festival, new faculty, and a new photography course that was introduced that year. This page of “The Torch” evidently illustrates the changes of Blake culture.

Newspapers Reflect Evolution, Progress

Sam Tomczik December 12, 2022

As Blake and the world around us have continued to evolve, so have its newspapers. These changes in our community include coeducation, sports, technology, and the latest trends.  Through "The Torch,"...

A page of “The Torch” issue published in 1972 depicts an old tradition of homecoming, revealing their Homecoming queen, the three attendants and their escorts from Blake with a small blurb next to their picture.

Previous Newspapers Expose, Exhibit Similar Core Issues to Today’s

Amelia Bush December 9, 2022

If you've ever told someone that you go to Blake, you've probably heard a response somewhere along the lines of "oh so you must be rich." If you've been here for over a year, then you probably know about...

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