The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

Religion As More Than a Belief System, A Community

Jason Gelb, Contributing Writer October 1, 2020

For me, Judaism is a lot more than just a religion. I don’t believe you have to be a practicing Jew to call yourself Jewish. I see it more as a community and a culture than simply a religion. I think...

The Best Disney Films to See During Quarantine

The Best Disney Films to See During Quarantine

Amaka Nwokocha, Staff Writer May 16, 2020

This time has been hard on us all, and with the end of the school year coming and the summer and next semester uncertain, I think it’s important to have at least some semblance of normality and familiarity....

Should Stay at Home Orders Be Enacted by State or Federal Governments?

Should Stay at Home Orders Be Enacted by State or Federal Governments?

James Prince, Contributing Writer May 13, 2020

During this COVID-19 pandemic, stay-at-home orders across many states have affected almost every aspect of daily life. But, with everything involving at least a little bit of politics, it comes with some...

The Bachelor is the Worst of Reality TV

The Bachelor is the Worst of Reality TV

Lucy Wolfe, Contributing Writer April 27, 2020

My mom has been watching "The Bachelor" since I was a newborn and I can’t get her to turn it off. With every ounce of my soul, I cannot stand this show. The show is pathetic and it stereotypes and degrades...

Movie Studios Jeopardized by COVID-19, Streaming Services Profit

Amaka Nwokocha, Staff Writer April 24, 2020

Everything and everyone has been impacted by COVID-19. The entertainment industry has been rocked by its foundations. It will likely never be the same again. From massive studios postponing or fully canceling...

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