The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

COVID-19’s Effect on Teenagers, Socialization

COVID-19’s Effect on Teenagers, Socialization

Mallika Malaviya, Staff Writer May 28, 2021

Although unexpected, increased isolation caused by the pandemic has resulted in teenagers becoming more social than they were previously. Being a teenager is often defined by lots of socialization, and...

Busy Work Consumes Time, Creates Stress

Busy Work Consumes Time, Creates Stress

Mallika Malaviya, Staff Writer April 30, 2021

When teachers assign busy work, it often creates a lot of added stress for students, and many wonder why they have to do work that doesn’t necessarily add to the curriculum. However, busy work also comes...

Required Readings Majorly Impact Student Perspectives

Required Readings Majorly Impact Student Perspectives

Mallika Malaviya, Staff Writer February 24, 2021

Over the years at the upper school, students are required to read and consume many different texts in their respective English courses. Certain books can have a lasting impact on those who read them and...

Social Media Influences Body Image, Health

Social Media Influences Body Image, Health

Mallika Malaviya, Staff Writer February 24, 2021

Every morning, I scroll through TikTok and Instagram and find myself looking at another girl who I aspire to be. Her body is amazing, and her life seems so perfect, making mine seem dull in comparison....

While most of the school day is spent in  class, Savita Champlin ‘22 says, “I have grown apart from my friends in blue group”

New Semester Results in New Color Groups

Mallika Malaviya, Staff Writer January 26, 2021

As we shift back to hybrid learning, approximately 75 students have had to make the switch to another color group. This change in groups initially seemed to be upsetting to many of those who had to make...

Looking Ahead, Finding Balance Between Present Day, Pre-COVID

Looking Ahead, Finding Balance Between Present Day, Pre-COVID

Mallika Malaviya, Staff Writer December 7, 2020

T he onset of COVID-19 has flipped everyoneís world upside down and required many people to make major adjustments in their daily lives. Many of these changes arenít short term and will continue to...

Zoe Florida

U.S. Response to COVID-19 Disappoints

Mallika Malaviya, Contributing Writer October 3, 2020

     America has built a reputation for being a nation that is successful in times of hardship and takes a leading role in recovering from crisis, so why is it that when the United States is faced with...

Construction at the Middle School makes the Circle off-limits for parking, forcing the activities bus to park by the lower tennis courts.

Construction challenges Changing Room for Student Athletes

Mallika Malaviya and Nina Bush October 14, 2019

Due to the construction at the middle school campus, parking has been an ongoing struggle for both students and faculty. The after school rush of middle school pickup and upper school students trying to...

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