Uncovering forces behind Blake brand

An inside look on legal resources and communications team

William Lyman

More stories from William Lyman

While both the Communications team and Legal Team are such integral parts of the operations of the school, little is known about how they operate. The communications department is responsible for the operation of Blake website, Cyrus magazine, Life at Blake video series, Family Directory, Bear Essentials, social media outreach, and admissions collateral. Our community’s legal team is a collaborative effort between the administration and experienced attorneys who are well versed in employment law, education law, and legal aspects of non-profit organizations, all working to protect the school’s integrity and student’s privacy.

The communications department includes an Editorial Manager, a Communication Specialist, a part-time Website Manager, and the Director of Strategic Communications. We aim to represent Blake students and faculty in authentic ways says Kristin Stouffer, the Director of Strategic Communications, Our intention is that the photos help prospective students and families see themselves at Blake.

Communications generally seek to promote photos and text that aligns with Blake’s brand, described as what we offer our students: an excellent education, a well-rounded experience, and preparation for a global world.

In cases where legal action becomes public, involving both the legal and communications teams, the school evaluates any request for public comment with an eye to preserving student and employee privacy.

Anne Graybeal, Associate Head of School, explains: ìIf misinformation about a school matter has been circulated in the media, the school will weigh the costs and benefits of correcting that misinformation, to whom, and through what means.î