2022 Start of School Rants & Raves
Rave: Seeing people you haven’t seen in a while
After a long summer break, there is nothing better than seeing people that you lost connection with over the summer. Maintaining friendships during the summer can be tough: summer plans, travels, and schedules can get in the way. However, upon arrival on the first day of school classes, lunch and hallway chatter make it easier to connect with school friends without pressure or stress.
Rant: Having to get your parents to sign the syllabi
As school begins, empty folders recently purchased from Target quickly begin to fill; but not with scans of textbooks or packets to read. Rather, teachers hand out pieces of paper: syllabi. I understand teachers want students to clearly understand their guidelines for the class from late to extension policies. However, in an increasingly online world it would make far more sense to send such policies to parents and students via email.
Rave: Picking out a cute outfit
On the first day of classes, there is no better way to reintroduce yourself to your peers than picking an outfit that expresses your personal style. After a long three months, styles and trends are bound to change, leaving the perfect opportunity to show off your updated wardrobe.
Rant: Having to do ice breakers in every single class
At the beginning of each class on the first day of school, many teachers like to use ice breakers to start the year. This activity can be a good way to get to know fellow classmates and ease back into school. However, after having to repeat what you did over the summer for the third or even fifth time icebreakers become redundant.

Hi, my name is Zoey and I am a senior this year. Last semester, I served as the Variety Editor and I am also a Co-Editor-in-Chief. Last year I was the...

My name is Sofia and I am a senior this year! I have been a writer and editor for Spectrum since my freshman year, and I previously served on the Spectrum...

Hi, I’m Ali and I am a senior. This is my third year on Spectrum. In the past, I have been the Opinions Editor, Student Life Editor, and the Community...