School Spirit Lacks, SIAC Plans to Improve

SIAC hopes advertising sport games will improve spirit


Ben Lim

SIACs, along with teacher leaders Mr. Menge and Ms. Bowman, meet in the NAR to discuss spirit initiatives and other plans to benefit the Blake community


 SIAC Luke Sugalski ‘22, claims, “Blake’s school spirit is not great compared to a lot of schools and that’s a problem.” Aidan Krush ’23, fellow SIAC, agrees and says, “Honestly I think we’re lacking a little bit.” Sugalski adds, “We generally have more work than kids at public schools, everybody on average is more involved in clubs and teams and classes are harder.”

Sugalski believes the reason for this is, “Everyone cares about a lot in the community, it’s just because everyone is so involved [sports, clubs and other activities] they don’t focus on anything else.” The average Blake student has a different workload compared to a public school student, leading some to say that the spirit at Blake is there but isn’t represented the same way as it would be at a public school. 

According to Krush, “[SIAC] are a group of students that meet every week and kinda help organize how we want to increase school spirit and organize events around the school.” SIAC’s main goal is to create a more enthusiastic and welcoming community at school. Krush states, “We decorate the school, so we did that for Halloween and the first day.” The decorations are a huge part of building a more positive atmosphere. SIAC also plans school events like the halloween costume contest, and Sugalski adds, “we… organize[d] a talent show.” Community events within school allow students to take a break from the academic side of school and give everyone a chance to come together. 

For the future, Sugalski explains, “We probably will try and do some stuff with sporting events in the near future like more spirit weeks around big games or events.” Sugalski adds, “I think trying to make people aware and getting people to attend does help school spirit.” The spirit weeks help to get people excited for sporting, and other activities happening in the community. Krush believes that, “I think it helps create some sort of school unity and brings everyone together.”