Transitioning from Daily Bulletin to BearHug


Miki Rierson

The scheduling tab of BearHug.

Everyday at 3:05 p.m., Blake Upper School students have received Daily Bulletin email in their inbox, courtesy of Betty Brown. But this year, this tradition has been done away with: the bulletin has been eliminated and all announcements will be on BearHug, the student created online scheduling and announcement tool. The transition to BearHug began last year, from the BearTime site where the class schedules were accessible.

BearHug was created by the Spring 2017 Computer Science class to include the Lunch menu. For some, the shift is a welcome addition as it creates convenience due to one’s ability to access a wide swath of information on one site. For others, some of the technological limits and issues irritate, and the amount of information that is not always relevant can overwhelm. As of now, BearHug will remain the mode for the Upper School community to post and access bulletin information.

Miki Rierson
The scheduling tab of BearHug.