The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

The News of The Blake School Since 1916

The Spectrum

Loaves and Fishes was created in 1981 as a temporary solution to hunger in Minnesota but it is still around today serving anyone who needs a meal around the cities.

Politics and power

Chapel Puckett, Co-Editor-in-Chief April 29, 2017

Walking into the St. Stephen’s Community Center, a “Welcome” sign hangs on a column directly in front of the cafeteria where the Hennepin Elementary School students have lunch every day. Ironically,...

Students watch the inauguration of Donald Trump live in the Julliet Nelson Auditorium while some students chose to leave and accept the consequences. The students who peacefully protested left after the new president was sworn in.

Inauguration prompts processing

Bennett Hawley and Gwyn Alexander February 9, 2017

The polarization of the 2016 presidential election was almost indisputable and is still being carried into today’s political climate. Despite the divide, the Upper School held a school wide viewing...

An estimated 100,000 people marched on January 21 to the Capitol in St. Paul.

Women’s March renews a spirit of protest

Maya Chadda and Allison Ahern February 9, 2017

The streets of St. Paul were filled with pink hats, posters, and protesters for the Women’s March on January 21. The crowd marched to the Capital shouting chants ranging in intensity from the call and...

Members of the community add their contribution to the Today I Am... wall which included the name of everyone (students, faculty, and employees) and an equal space for them to create on the day of the inauguration.

Defining protest in 2017

Chapel, Editor-in-Chief February 9, 2017

With The New York Times estimating 470,000 people who marched in Washington for the Women’s March, and a reported 3.3 million nationally, the spirit of protest is incredibly ingrained in today’s generation...

A sister march to the Womens March on Washington, the Womens March in Minnesota contributed to an estimated 3.3 million protesters globally on January 21.

Photos from Women’s March

Miki Rierson, News Editor February 7, 2017

Hazel DeHarpporte 19 adds her contribution to the TODAY I AM wall in the arts hallway.

School watches inauguration, discussion and art follows

Chapel Puckett and Bennett Hawley January 20, 2017

The Blake Upper School students, faculty, and staff watched the 45th Presidential Inauguration live in the Juliet Nelson Auditorium in between morning and afternoon classes. Some students decided to...

Fire trucks lined up outside the main entrance to the building after students and faculty funneled back into the building.

Second pipe break in two months interrupts math final

Chapel Puckett, Editor-in-Chief December 16, 2016

In the middle of a math problem, the sirens blare, the lights flash, and the fire doors close. Math teachers yell, "leave the tests in the rooms!" Students, in disbelief, flood out into the streets, freezing...

According to Lee, hipers tend to elude talking in person and resort to technological communcation, preventing empathetic connection.

Search on Facebook: Empathy

Chapel Puckett, Editor-in-Chief December 8, 2016

Hipsterism is, in one light, a subset of popular culture defined by polaroid cameras, cold brew coffee from local coffee shops, skinny jeans, and beards. In another light, though, hipsterism is a dangerous...

Friends and parents utilize tracking devices to locate others in order to both ensure safety and increase socialization.

Parents depend on tracking devices

Bennett Hawley, Managing Editor December 8, 2016

Beep, beep. Beep, beep. A common phone sound when receiving a text message or a phone call, but now a new form of communication is causing these constant notifications to grow. This new type of cellular...

Lauren Sabes ‘18: “It’s super fun. It’s a good opportunity to hang out with your friends and do something different and especially if you have a little sibling in the middle school it can be a lot of fun.”

Sensationalizing fear

Morgan Sabes, Staff Writer November 3, 2016

Is a horror movie and popcorn your version of a great Saturday night? Do haunted houses make you excited and exhilarated? Do you follow @ClownSightings on Twitter? The these scary things excited a large...

I love seeing everyone work together to make the event come to life. But I also love haunted houses and Halloween. I love going to local haunts and getting ideas for my own [haunted house]. -Amy Walters

Fight or flight fear

Penelope Winton, Front Page Editor November 3, 2016

Fear stems from the most primitive parts of our being; nestled in the temporal lobe of the brain, the concept of fear traces back all the way back to the earliest of hominids. This instinctive--almost...

The hole dug by construction workers on Tuesday for water main repares flooded with water from the domestic pipeline.

UPDATING STORY: Water line breaks, no classes for two and a half days

Chapel Puckett, Editor-in-Chief October 25, 2016

UPDATING STORY: more information is being added throughout the week. 10/ 25: The Upper School lost power around 11 a.m. on Tuesday the 25 of October. There was no running water and no internet, so students...

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